Props: proper respect, recognition – Urban Dictionary
I’ve never given the opossum a second thought unless it happened to scurry across my path in the approaching dusk. Ghostly, ghastly, pallid and grotesque, there were so many more colorful things in life to give my attention to.
Until now.
If Gracie hadn’t caught one, I’d still think that way.
Of course, after seeing one close up… close enough to take a photograph, I was intrigued.
What an interesting looking creature.
My, what big teeth it has.
What does it eat?
Thank you Google – all my questions were answered and I have to share my new-found knowledge about and “props” for the heretofore unknown and unappreciated ‘possum.
Before I reveal what I’ve learned, I must first elaborate a little more on Gracie’s successful hunt. This was the other evening. The days are getting a little longer and my husband took her out to hunt just before dark. She flew up from his glove, immediately spotted the unlucky opossum and dove for it. As soon as my husband saw her go for it, his heart sank as he knew there could be a fight – either one could die. He ran over to her as she tried to subdue her prey and reached her in time to help her dispatch the creature. It was twice her weight (2200 grams). The opossum punctured Gracie’s foot with its teeth, but she’s o.k.

The Opossum

Close-up of Opossum Teeth
Here’s where we put on our big girl pants and look beyond the grisly photos above. The opossum is beautifully and intelligently designed, the same as something pretty like a butterfly, baby deer or canary. Maybe they’re not cuddly or cute, but I’ve realized that they do deserve some air time.
Here’s what I found:
- The opossum is the only marsupial in North America. It carries its babies in a pouch (now that’s kind of cute)
- They have about 50 teeth; the most teeth of any N American mammal. (not so cute, but interesting!)
- Adults are the size of an average house cat and weigh six to 15 lbs (the one Gracie caught was 5 pounds)
- Because their ears and tails lack fur they often suffer frostbite on these body parts during cold winters. (this was kind of sad)
- They have five toes on each foot. (hmmm)
- They have a resistance to rabies but may still be carriers of the disease.
- They eat mostly dead things, insects, frogs and like apples, clementines and persimmons (what variety!)
- When playing possum, the lips are drawn back, teeth are bared, saliva foams around the mouth, and a foul-smelling fluid is secreted from the anal glands (Wikipedia) (now that’s cool and gross at the same time)
- Sometimes, they actually look cute (take the baby photo above for example)
Hopefully, I’ve given the ‘possum a proper nod and that if you ever see one, you’ll look past their long snouts, sharp teeth, beady black eyes, oily skin, coarse fur, parasite-carrying, rabies resistant bodies and appreciate what’s good about them.
What do you think? Cute or gross?